WetLands follows the journey of Amalia (Melisa Cardona), reeling with the emotions of getting her life back on track with the help of her best friend and healer Sage (Rebecca Mwase) and in verbose youngster of the group Erron (Hannah Pepper-Cunningham).

Melisa Cardona
Rebecca Mwase
Hannah Pepper-Cunningham


Creative Team


Writer: D. Just D.

Sound: Aaron Richmond-Havel

Camera: Aaron Richmond-Havel

Camera: Maya Chakravarti






Melisa Cardona :: Amalia

Story teller from both sides of the lens. Actress, photographer, visual artist, videographer.










Rebecca Mwase :: SAGE 

Theater artist, educator, creative consultant, producer and cultural organizer working at the intersection of art and social justice.










Hannah Pepper-Cunningham :: ERRON

Performing artist and an organizer. Hannah has worked as a videographer and editor, art director, production assistant, musician, writer and performer.











Season 1 is currently in-PreProduction. 



if you would like to Donate to the project please do so here!